My name is Laura and my wonderful husband is Jeff. We live in Bushy Fork and enjoy life to the fullest. We have two awesome kids, Evangeline (Evan) and Wyatt. They make us smile everyday and keep us busy. We have amazing family and friends and we're incredibly blessed! Life is good, and God is great! :)


6 month check up

Little Miss Evan was all smiles at her 6 month check up last week....Until her shots at the end, but she handled them very well!  She is a strong, happy and healthy little girl! 

Here are her stats:
  • Height: 25.5 inches (35%)
  • Weight: 14 lbs. 3.4 oz. (15%)
  • Head Circumference: 16.25 inches

She is still our perfectly petite little lady and we love her so much!  :)



It was a gorgeous weekend!  Here are a few pictures:

Daddy having fun with Evan and her friends

I spy a happy girl!

Jeff hates me for this picture, but I thought it was too sweet not to share!  I love them so much!

Steffi, Chloe, Laura, Evan, Julie & Katie....pretty baby girls at Mt. Harmony!  :)

Katie sharing a ride with Evan at the park while the boys practice softball!



Playing with her mama today  :)
(sorry it's shaky...I was jumping around with the camera!)

Easter and 6 months!

Happy first Easter, Evan!  
We had a beautiful Easter Sunday this year.  The Easter Bunny was very good to Ms. Evangeline too!  Now that she's 6 months, she is learning all kinds of new things and doing so much more...there are a lot of new toys and books she can try!  She has been sitting up on her own for a while now, and she loves the crinkly books and anything paper.  We keep her entertained during church with the bulletin...She loves the sound paper makes and the way it crinkles and crunches.  She also loves putting her toys over her head and dropping them behind her.  AND she LOVES her jumparoo.  I really need to video her in it because she is a MACHINE in that thing!  She likes to talk and sing and she has eaten all of the fruits and veggies we have made for her.  She goes for her 6 month doctor appointment this coming Wednesday...Which means more shots :( but we'll also get an update on how she's growing!
Here are a few pictures from this weekend:

With Papa Jay
Mama & Daddy
With her Great Grandparents
Grandma Jackie & Papa Jay
With Aunt Jacy and everybody!

Checking out some of her Easter gifts!
Some of her loot from the Easter Bunny

 On Wednesday, Evan had her half-birthday.  Can't believe she is already 6 months....But it's awesome to watch her grow!  Here are a few pictures:

Playing with the 6 month sign during our photo shoot

 And here is a collage of the past 6 months (click on it to enlarge):

She is such a happy girl and I still can't believe she's ours.  I can't wait to teach you so many things and watch you grow, Evan!  Love you baby girl!


Here comes Peter Cotton Tail...

Easter is this weekend!  STUDIO You did an Easter special the weekend before last, and we got a picture for Evan's first Easter.  Here she is:

Evan's first Easter

I'm sure we will take a ton of pictures on Easter be prepared!  :)

And here is a little video Jeff captured one evening last week.....she has her fingers in her mouth, laughing AND the hiccups!

On another note....My best friend, Christin, lost her Daddy over this past weekend.  Mr. Matthews had battled diabetes along with other illnesses over the past decade.  But even going through all of that, I never saw him down or depressed about anything.  He always seemed so happy and full of things to say to make you laugh.  :)  He coached ball with mom back in the day and he came to all the softball and volleyball games that Christin and I played together over the years.  I've got so many memories of nights and weekends spent with Chicky and her family on trips and going to different events.  I still can't believe he's gone.  His funeral service was yesterday, and I thought is was absolutely perfect.  It was very heartfelt and touching, but there were several moments full of laughter too.  I know this is the hardest thing the Matthews family has ever gone through, but I hope they can find comfort in knowing that Big Daddy is fully healed, laughing, playing ball and dancing up in Heaven....And we will be able to join him there one sweet day in the future.  You'll be missed so much, Mr. Matthews!!!

1993 - Ann's Diamond Center softball team...first time Chicky and I met.  Mom and Mr. Matthews were assistant coaches.  Christin's sister, Leslie, was on the team too.  Hard to believe this is almost 20 years ago.