My name is Laura and my wonderful husband is Jeff. We live in Bushy Fork and enjoy life to the fullest. We have two awesome kids, Evangeline (Evan) and Wyatt. They make us smile everyday and keep us busy. We have amazing family and friends and we're incredibly blessed! Life is good, and God is great! :)


22 weeks!

How your baby's growing:

At 11 inches (the length of a spaghetti squash) and almost 1 pound, your baby is starting to look like a miniature newborn. His lips, eyelids, and eyebrows are becoming more distinct, and he's even developing tiny tooth buds beneath his gums. His eyes have formed, but his irises (the colored part of the eye) still lack pigment.

If you could see inside your womb, you'd be able to spot the fine hair (lanugo) that covers his body and the deep wrinkles on his skin, which he'll sport until he adds a padding of fat to fill them in. Inside his belly, his pancreas — essential for the production of some important hormones — is developing steadily.

Grow, baby, grow!!  :)



Wyatt Dean Jennings

Yay!  We got to see our little boy today for our 20 week ultrasound.  He is growing right on track and looks perfectly healthy.  He was very active too!  It was so cool to see him moving around and then catching a few glances at his sweet face!  We are so grateful to God for creating this little miracle and helping him grow strong in my womb.  :)

And we officially have decide on his name.  We had several on a list that we liked, but we just kept coming back to Wyatt, so we knew that should be his name.  We love it and it feels great to finally start calling him by name.

We are working on putting together his nursery, and I'm sure we will take before and after pictures once we're done.  It's an exciting and fun project to be doing!  And we will hopefully take another belly picture soon to show you how I'm growing....I am definitely showing more than I did when I was this far with Evan...But of course, that's normal.  And I can feel him moving like crazy.  Jeff finally got to feel him kick for the first time last Sunday in church.  I know that is such a cool thing for him to experience because it's nothing at all for me to feel the movement, but it's exciting to see Jeff's reaction when he can finally FEEL the baby moving around in there.  :)