My name is Laura and my wonderful husband is Jeff. We live in Bushy Fork and enjoy life to the fullest. We have two awesome kids, Evangeline (Evan) and Wyatt. They make us smile everyday and keep us busy. We have amazing family and friends and we're incredibly blessed! Life is good, and God is great! :)


Things to remember...

I try to make note of certain things Evan does or says so we can always remember these sweet times.  She is just amazing.  She is so incredibly smart, sweet and just a happy, friendly baby.  I love her so much!

My birthday was back on January 9th, and it happened to fall on a Wednesday this year.  I am off work on Wednesday, so I was able to spend the morning and early afternoon with Evan, then we met up with Mom in Durham and did some shopping and later met up with the rest of the Jennings crew for a sushi dinner!  (Don't worry, the rolls I ate contained nothing but cooked items!)  :)

When I woke up that morning, Jeff had left a sweet birthday card on the counter for me.  It was in a bright pink envelope and was a very touching card (he spoils me so much).  But I sent him a text message and thanked him for the card.
The crazy part is later, after Evan had eaten her lunch, I was sitting in the living room, eating my lunch while I watched a little TV.  Evan was wondering around, playing with her toys, and all of a sudden she comes up to me and hands me a bright pink envelope like she wants me to read it.  My first thought is she had picked up the envelope from my card that morning.  But when I took it, I noticed it said "MAMA" on it.  And I was thinking "where did this come from?!?"  So I thanked her for giving it to me and opened the card.  It was a birthday card from Evan to me.  I got a little teary eyed because it was so sweet and then I was amazed that she BROUGHT it to me.  I called Jeff and asked him where he put the card (obviously he was one who bought and helped sign the card), and he said it was in her diaper bag.  He knew I would see it when I was packing her up to leave the house that afternoon.  But out of all the things in her diaper bag and all the other things she could've been playing with while I ate lunch, she chose to grab that card and bring it to me to read.  It just melted my heart.  :)

I just wanted to make sure I posted that on our blog so I can always remember that moment and how special it was to me!  I love that little girl and my sweet family!!  <3

Here are a couple of cute pictures just because:


Baby BOY Jennings!!

We originally were going to wait until our doctor appointment on February 18th to find out the sex of baby #2, but the opportunity arose where we could go ahead and find out sooner at Prenatal Peek.  So of course, we decided to go!  We were 16 weeks and 4 days along when we went on Saturday morning.  The ultrasound tech measured the baby's heart rate first and it popped up as 148, and I knew that was a lot lower that Evan's, so I was like "it could be a boy!!"....and sure enough, a few seconds later, he showed his stuff!


We are beyond excited and blessed!!  I am so thankful to have the experience of raising both a little girl and now a sweet little boy too!!  :)  We are still totally up in the air about names, but it shouldn't be too long before we decide on something.  I am so excited to start planning the nursery and preparing for everything BOY!!

Here is an update at what's going on with Baby Boy J at 17 weeks:

How big is your baby?

Your baby is a little over 5 ¾ inches long and weighs 4 ounces.

What is happening with your baby?

His umbilical cord is not only lengthening but also becoming thicker and stronger for these last 23 weeks. Your baby’s sense of hearing is also developing since the ears have fully formed and moved into their final position.
Your baby is also beginning to form adipose or fat tissue. This will help him take on a more normal appearance by filling out the fine features that he has. Fat is important in helping regulate the body’s temperature and metabolism.

Desperate Need of an Update!

Wow!  A LOT has happened since the last post!

Christmas was amazing.  Evan got to see some of her friends and have playtime and exchange gifts.  And then we celebrated Jeff's birthday in Fuquay with mom, dad and Robert.  Evan was obviously a very good girl this year and got a TON of presents from Santa.  We came back home to Roxboro on Christmas Day afternoon to do Christmas with the Jennings family.  Here are a few pictures:

Ready to party!
Gracelyn and Evan
Evan and Katie
Evan and Mr. Brantley

The Whitfields Christmas with Chloe, Steffi & David (the girls wore matching outfits...unplanned!)

Christmas Eve in Fuquay
Helping Daddy blow out his birthday candles

Ganmama and Pappy
with Uncle Rob
waiting for Santa!
some of the loot she got!

Christmas morning

New cowboy boots and on her great-granddaddy's saddle!
Jennings Christmas

playing with new toys!

So yeah, Evan had a great Christmas!  Of course next year will be even more awesome since we'll have 2 kids then!  Can't wait!

Here a picture that is just too cute of Evan not to share:
Ah, I love this baby girl!!  :)
 Christin and Jason welcomed their baby girl, Annalee, to the world on December 28th.  She is absolutely precious and we went to visit them right after New Years. 


Best Friends! <3
I can't wait to have family get-togethers with these little girls!  I hope they will be friends even though they won't grow up living near each other.  We are so blessed!  :)

January started off with wet, dreary weather.  It rained and a front would come through with extremely WARM weather and then some extreme COLD weather.  At one point, our front yard looked like a pond....seriously.  But when it was warm outside, we went out to the horse farm and had a great time!
Swinging with Mama

On the swing by herself like a big girl!!

Riding Gracie next to Grandma Jackie!

Hangin' with Aunt Jacy

So then, we had about 3 inches of snow the following week.  We ran out and took some pictures before it started to melt.  Evan wasn't too big of a fan because it was hard for her to walk in the snow.  She was ok when you held her hand though!  :)

with Ganmama

So now, and update on Evan and all she is doing and saying:
She is working on building her vocabulary, but she can say Baby, No, Daddy, Mama, Balloon, Ball, Hey or Hi, Papa, Baba (for bottle), Tuck Tuck, Cracker, she still says "who's that" all the time.  She knows that a cat says "meow" and a dog says "ruff ruff".  She knows a lot of animal noises and she can identify most of them in pictures.  She blows my mind with how smart she is!  She nods for yes because she hasn't learned how to actually say it yet.
She is wearing size 4 diapers, still in 12 month clothes (she is 15 months old now), and wearing size 4 shoes.  She loves bath time.  She also loves to color and draw.  Listening to music is huge and she will dance all the time!  She can do the "bernie" and the "caterpillar".  I need to post videos of her doing those moves!  :)  She is such a ham, and loves to show off for other people...She starts smiling and giggling when we ask her to do one of her "tricks".  If we start singing "Barbara Ann" by the beach boys, she will do the "ba ba ba" part and move her shoulders.  She is a trip.  She can now RUN.  She is into everything and climbing up on things.  She loves her swing and slide she got for Christmas...AND her 4-wheeler that she drives by herself.  I am leaving off a ton of other things she does right now, but that is just a quick update!  I am about to post another update on Baby J#2 directly after this one, so stay tuned!  :)