My name is Laura and my wonderful husband is Jeff. We live in Bushy Fork and enjoy life to the fullest. We have two awesome kids, Evangeline (Evan) and Wyatt. They make us smile everyday and keep us busy. We have amazing family and friends and we're incredibly blessed! Life is good, and God is great! :)


1 month old...already!

So I'm a little late updating my posts...

Wyatt came into the world on July 1st, 2013 at 3:30am.  He weighed 7 lbs and was 20 inches of absolute perfection!  :)  He has been an awesome baby and we know we are truly blessed to have 2 healthy and happy babies.

It was on Sunday, June 30th, that I decided since I was already dilated and effaced to take some castor oil to see if anything would get started. did.  I started having contractions around 5 or or 6pm that evening and finally decided to head to the hospital at 12:45am.  Jacy stayed at our house with Evan, and Jackie rode with Jeff and I to the hospital.
We got to the hospital at about 1:30am, and Wyatt was born at 3:30am.  He was READY to go!  I am so thankful to have such quick and smooth labor and deliveries!  I don't know how some women can labor for days and then push for hours and's amazing.

Here are a few pictures of Wyatt's arrival:

 And since it's been a is a compilation of pictures:

And yesterday, Wyatt was 1 month old!  Here is his monthly picture:


He is such a great baby.  He sleeps and eats like a champ.  He rarely cries or fusses and if he does, it's because he is hungry or needs a fresh diaper.  He usually sleeps for at least 6 hours every night (woohoo).  And Evan LOVES him!  Here is a short video of her welcoming Wyatt home:

She is so sweet to him and always wants to take care of him.  But she's not TOO crazy with him.  She is going to be such a wonderful big sister!  :)  Ok, more updates to come soon I hope!


A few things...

Tomorrow will be 39 weeks pregnant.  It has FLOWN by to say the least.  But we are overly excited to finally meet Wyatt, see what he looks like, get to know his personality and hold that sweet baby!  :)

We went to Atlantic Beach for Memorial Day weekend this year.  Amanda, Jake, Abigail & Zach were there with their little girls too.  It was a blast!  The weather was a little chilly, but the sun came out and we were able to enjoy catching some rays and playing in the sand!  Evan is still more of a pool girl, than a beach girl because of the sand, but she still had a good time!  Here are some beach pictures:

We had 2 showers for baby Wyatt the first weekend in June!  We were overwhelmed with the love and support people gave us!  He is going to be one decked-out little dude.  Evan is awesome at helping around the house, and she was helping me sort out items we got from the showers.  Here she is, showing off her diaper tower that she stacked:

And here we are at 37 weeks pregnant (full term!):

These were a couple of pictures I snapped of her one morning....She is the sweetest little girl.  She picked out her pink boots that day.

It's so cool to see how smart Evan is and watch her personality develop.  She loves to take care of her babies, and she likes to try to share everything with Wyatt (my belly).  I hope she understands when he arrives and she can actually see him, that he's the same "Wyatt" we've been talking to all this time.  I think she is going to be such a wonderful big sister.

She can count to 10 all on her own, she is very polite and says "thank you, mama" and "bless you, mama", and "excuse me, Tucker", etc.  haha  She still loves to sing and dance and READ all the time.  She can say her ABC's up to H, I, J, K.  And she knows her full mama and daddy's.  She is still doing great with the potty, and we don't even use pull-ups anymore at night or nap time.  She loves to be OUTSIDE and play in her pool and throw/kick balls.  She also loves to run and "hop" like a frog and rabbit.

She is signed up for Preschool at Mt. Zion Methodist church in the fall.  I can't wait to see how much fun she has learning new things and meeting new friends.  :)

I will try to keep this updated with the arrival of Wyatt being any day now!  Can't wait to see him!!! 


31 weeks!

We went to prenatal peek last week to catch a glimpse of Wyatt.  He was pretty stubborn and didn't want his picture taken (unlike his sister), but we did get just a few images of his face.  Here he is at 30 weeks:

I can't wait to see his sweet, chunky face!  And he does have quite a bit of hair too...Wonder if he will look anything like Evan.  :)
This week is 31 weeks pregnant!  Hard to believe in just 6 weeks, he will be considered full term!  We have so much to do to get ready for his arrival!  haha  :)

Here is Evan and I at 31 weeks:

Here is what is going on at 31 weeks:
This week, your baby measures over 16 inches long. He weighs about 3.3 pounds (try carrying four navel oranges) and is heading into a growth spurt. He can turn his head from side to side, and his arms, legs, and body are beginning to plump out as needed fat accumulates underneath his skin. He's probably moving a lot, too, so you may have trouble sleeping because your baby's kicks and somersaults keep you up. Take comfort: All this moving is a sign that your baby is active and healthy.

And yes, Wyatt is definitely healthy and active.  :)

Evan is still doing great with the potty.  She truly amazes me.  She tells us every time she needs to go and has even become comfortable using public restrooms (with her own portable, foldable potty seat, of course).  She is wearing big-girl panties all day (and usually even when she naps), and she still sleeps in a pull-up.  Some mornings she wakes up dry, but we definitely still have the wet diapers in the morning sometimes.  We have only had a few pee pee accidents, and that is it!  It's crazy, because I don't expect her to do so well with it, but she is just so awesome...So we keep encouraging her.  And she just thrives on the cheering and excitement so far.  Hopefully she can keep it up!

We went to the mountains this past weekend to visit with some of Mom and Dad's friends and go to Merlefest.  It was a dreary, wet weekend, but we still had fun.  We went to Grandfather Mountain on Saturday and then to Merlefest on Sunday.  Here is a collage of some pictures:
Evan LOVES to talk and sing and dance.  She is saying so many things now and stringing words together.  She will definitely repeat anything and everything you say...So you have to be careful!  haha  :)


The Potty

Yes!  Evangeline has started using the potty!  She is 18 months old today, and she has been using her potty for the last couple of weeks.  Mom had bought a little potty for her for Christmas, and of course, we knew she wouldn't be using it for A WHILE....But I totally didn't expect her to be doing as well as she is doing at 18 months!  She is awesome!!  Yesterday, I only changed 1 wet diaper....And I know I will jinx myself (and yes, I know we will have a newborn in a couple of months), but I could get used to changing only 1 diaper per day!  haha  :)  I don't EXPECT her to be potty trained any time soon, but as long as she keeps this up, I will definitely roll with it.  It was one of the coolest things I have ever seen when she first peed in her potty....I was so excited for her!! 
I am still amazed by her everyday...She is learning everything so fast.  She repeats EVERYTHING and is talking so much.  She loves to sing and dance!  I need to post a video of her dancing soon.  She LOVES to play outside.  It sleeted this past Friday, and then yesterday (Wednesday), it was sunny and in the mid-80's!  We set up our first water slide yesterday and had a blast!

I love her!!  She wanted to slide over and over again!  She loved it!  Here are a couple of pictures from March, and our Easter Egg hunt we did in the yard.

Wyatt is 28 weeks along now.  I had my glucose test yesterday morning, and hopefully I passed it.  :)  Here is what is going on with him this week:
By this week, your baby weighs two and a quarter pounds (like a Chinese cabbage) and measures 14.8 inches from the top of his head to his heels. He can blink his eyes, which now sport lashes. With his eyesight developing, he may be able to see the light that filters in through your womb. He's also developing billions of neurons in his brain and adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world.

He is totally moving all the time, and I love to feel his kicks and thumps....except when it's right on my bladder.  :)  I can't wait to see what he looks like and how he acts!!  I am so excited to meet him.  We are about to start working on his room (like, really).  But I'm excited to start getting more prepared for his arrival.  The reality of having another newborn is going to hit me very quickly, I believe, when we start getting everything READY for him!  But it will be amazing, and I am excited to see how Evan does with him.  I think she will be the best big sister...She loves her baby dolls and all the younger babies of our friends.  She is so sweet, and actually very helpful if we need her to grab anything for us!  haha  :)  Anyway, just wanted to post an update!  Happy Spring everyone!!


A little late...

We had a pretty snow fall back in February, and took this short video.  Evan is still not too big of a fan of the snow yet, but I think she will LOVE it next year when she can run and play in it better.  :)


February Fun

We had a fun weekend in Fuquay!  This was a sunny Sunday and we went to the park in Angier with the Schachles.

And then Evan got to visit with Minnie and Mickey on Wednesday at the Person County Partnership for Children.  She loved them and wanted to just hang out with them!


22 weeks!

How your baby's growing:

At 11 inches (the length of a spaghetti squash) and almost 1 pound, your baby is starting to look like a miniature newborn. His lips, eyelids, and eyebrows are becoming more distinct, and he's even developing tiny tooth buds beneath his gums. His eyes have formed, but his irises (the colored part of the eye) still lack pigment.

If you could see inside your womb, you'd be able to spot the fine hair (lanugo) that covers his body and the deep wrinkles on his skin, which he'll sport until he adds a padding of fat to fill them in. Inside his belly, his pancreas — essential for the production of some important hormones — is developing steadily.

Grow, baby, grow!!  :)



Wyatt Dean Jennings

Yay!  We got to see our little boy today for our 20 week ultrasound.  He is growing right on track and looks perfectly healthy.  He was very active too!  It was so cool to see him moving around and then catching a few glances at his sweet face!  We are so grateful to God for creating this little miracle and helping him grow strong in my womb.  :)

And we officially have decide on his name.  We had several on a list that we liked, but we just kept coming back to Wyatt, so we knew that should be his name.  We love it and it feels great to finally start calling him by name.

We are working on putting together his nursery, and I'm sure we will take before and after pictures once we're done.  It's an exciting and fun project to be doing!  And we will hopefully take another belly picture soon to show you how I'm growing....I am definitely showing more than I did when I was this far with Evan...But of course, that's normal.  And I can feel him moving like crazy.  Jeff finally got to feel him kick for the first time last Sunday in church.  I know that is such a cool thing for him to experience because it's nothing at all for me to feel the movement, but it's exciting to see Jeff's reaction when he can finally FEEL the baby moving around in there.  :)


Things to remember...

I try to make note of certain things Evan does or says so we can always remember these sweet times.  She is just amazing.  She is so incredibly smart, sweet and just a happy, friendly baby.  I love her so much!

My birthday was back on January 9th, and it happened to fall on a Wednesday this year.  I am off work on Wednesday, so I was able to spend the morning and early afternoon with Evan, then we met up with Mom in Durham and did some shopping and later met up with the rest of the Jennings crew for a sushi dinner!  (Don't worry, the rolls I ate contained nothing but cooked items!)  :)

When I woke up that morning, Jeff had left a sweet birthday card on the counter for me.  It was in a bright pink envelope and was a very touching card (he spoils me so much).  But I sent him a text message and thanked him for the card.
The crazy part is later, after Evan had eaten her lunch, I was sitting in the living room, eating my lunch while I watched a little TV.  Evan was wondering around, playing with her toys, and all of a sudden she comes up to me and hands me a bright pink envelope like she wants me to read it.  My first thought is she had picked up the envelope from my card that morning.  But when I took it, I noticed it said "MAMA" on it.  And I was thinking "where did this come from?!?"  So I thanked her for giving it to me and opened the card.  It was a birthday card from Evan to me.  I got a little teary eyed because it was so sweet and then I was amazed that she BROUGHT it to me.  I called Jeff and asked him where he put the card (obviously he was one who bought and helped sign the card), and he said it was in her diaper bag.  He knew I would see it when I was packing her up to leave the house that afternoon.  But out of all the things in her diaper bag and all the other things she could've been playing with while I ate lunch, she chose to grab that card and bring it to me to read.  It just melted my heart.  :)

I just wanted to make sure I posted that on our blog so I can always remember that moment and how special it was to me!  I love that little girl and my sweet family!!  <3

Here are a couple of cute pictures just because: