My name is Laura and my wonderful husband is Jeff. We live in Bushy Fork and enjoy life to the fullest. We have two awesome kids, Evangeline (Evan) and Wyatt. They make us smile everyday and keep us busy. We have amazing family and friends and we're incredibly blessed! Life is good, and God is great! :)


The Potty

Yes!  Evangeline has started using the potty!  She is 18 months old today, and she has been using her potty for the last couple of weeks.  Mom had bought a little potty for her for Christmas, and of course, we knew she wouldn't be using it for A WHILE....But I totally didn't expect her to be doing as well as she is doing at 18 months!  She is awesome!!  Yesterday, I only changed 1 wet diaper....And I know I will jinx myself (and yes, I know we will have a newborn in a couple of months), but I could get used to changing only 1 diaper per day!  haha  :)  I don't EXPECT her to be potty trained any time soon, but as long as she keeps this up, I will definitely roll with it.  It was one of the coolest things I have ever seen when she first peed in her potty....I was so excited for her!! 
I am still amazed by her everyday...She is learning everything so fast.  She repeats EVERYTHING and is talking so much.  She loves to sing and dance!  I need to post a video of her dancing soon.  She LOVES to play outside.  It sleeted this past Friday, and then yesterday (Wednesday), it was sunny and in the mid-80's!  We set up our first water slide yesterday and had a blast!

I love her!!  She wanted to slide over and over again!  She loved it!  Here are a couple of pictures from March, and our Easter Egg hunt we did in the yard.

Wyatt is 28 weeks along now.  I had my glucose test yesterday morning, and hopefully I passed it.  :)  Here is what is going on with him this week:
By this week, your baby weighs two and a quarter pounds (like a Chinese cabbage) and measures 14.8 inches from the top of his head to his heels. He can blink his eyes, which now sport lashes. With his eyesight developing, he may be able to see the light that filters in through your womb. He's also developing billions of neurons in his brain and adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world.

He is totally moving all the time, and I love to feel his kicks and thumps....except when it's right on my bladder.  :)  I can't wait to see what he looks like and how he acts!!  I am so excited to meet him.  We are about to start working on his room (like, really).  But I'm excited to start getting more prepared for his arrival.  The reality of having another newborn is going to hit me very quickly, I believe, when we start getting everything READY for him!  But it will be amazing, and I am excited to see how Evan does with him.  I think she will be the best big sister...She loves her baby dolls and all the younger babies of our friends.  She is so sweet, and actually very helpful if we need her to grab anything for us!  haha  :)  Anyway, just wanted to post an update!  Happy Spring everyone!!

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