My name is Laura and my wonderful husband is Jeff. We live in Bushy Fork and enjoy life to the fullest. We have two awesome kids, Evangeline (Evan) and Wyatt. They make us smile everyday and keep us busy. We have amazing family and friends and we're incredibly blessed! Life is good, and God is great! :)


Evan's first beach trip!...and a few other firsts!

Yes!  Evan had her first beach trip over Memorial Day Weekend.  We are so blessed to have friends who invite us on trips to the beach!!  Amanda & Jake made arrangements for not only us to join them, but also Christin & Jason and Abigail & Zach.  We had a wonderful time!  Evan got to put her feet in the ocean waves and the sand.  She wasn't too big of a fan, though.  She enjoyed playing on her towel in the shade more.
But what she really loved was the pool!  She was kicking her feet and laughing in her was such an awesome sight!  I really hope she'll be a great water-baby!  And I'm sure she'll love the beach more and more over the next few years.  :)  Here are a bunch of pictures from the weekend:

Daddy and Evangeline on the beach for the first time!

That's A LOT of water, Daddy!

Mama and Evan  :)

Hey guys!

It was very windy that day

Our little beach family!

Jake, Amanda (baby Gracelyn) and Evan

Jake, Amanda and Gracelyn

Sleeping poolside

diggin her floppy hat!

always working her tongue!

HEY Mama!

time to eat??

playing patty-cake with Daddy

first time at the pool!

Hanging with Mama

first time in the float

she likes it!!


such a tough life

thanks, Daddy


I love them!

She cracks me up  :)

The Schachles!

Zach, Abigail and baby Schachle!!

Jason & Christin!  :)

Hanging with Daddy

this is what she wanted to do on the beach

happy girl

fun stuff!

worn out

out to dinner, sittin on the dock

watching seagulls

two men and a baby!  :)

yay!  thanks for my jacket!

really, ma??

a little bit big....maybe next year they'll fit!

in the crabby float!

playing with Amanda on the trip home!
Abigail took this CUTE picture on her phone, so I edited it and I love it!!  :)

We also had a few other "firsts" this past week!  Evan has her first tooth!  It is coming in on the bottom, right in the middle.  It doesn't seem to be bothering her at all (thankfully), and it's so cute!  I'm hoping she doesn't have too much pain with her back teeth coming in (or ANY of her teeth for that matter).
She also started saying "da da" and "ma ma" this week!  It is sooo awesome!!  She makes some other sounds too, but of course, those are our favorites.  She said "da da" first, and then only a few days later said "ma ma"!  :)
She pulled herself up to stand up in her crib for the first time last week too.  She LOVES to stand up.  She does NOT love to crawl or be on her belly.  She will roll right back to her back when she's on her belly.  I really hope she crawls at least a little bit!  I know they say some babies don't, but I hope she does! 

Here are a couple pictures from phones over the past week too:

nappin with Daddy

Evan and Grandpa Don on his 84th birthday

We're going to Lake Gaston this weekend, and I'm sure we'll take a ton of pictures!  Stay tuned!!  :)

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